The Warning Signs That Your Body Is Dehydrated


It is important to keep your bod hydrated as chronic dehydration can cause interference and stress in your organs and may lead to some illnesses. Check out this article we found over at Natural News.

Signs of Dehydration

These are some things you can look for that would indicate dehydration:

  • Your skin and mouth will feel dry.
  • Your urine becomes dark yellow.
  • You will be thirsty, you have a headache, and you will be constipated.
  • You may feel dizzy or lightheaded and urine will be a dark yellow color.
  • You will feel foggy brained and sluggish, and will constantly crave snacks and sugar.
  • In the most extreme cases of dehydration some people experience palpitations, fainting, weakness, confusion, decreased urination, and sometimes even seizures.

If any signs of dehydration present themselves, they do require immediate medical attention. Of course all of these symptoms might be caused by a variety of things but even something as simple as mild dehydration may have a more negative affect on physical and mental well-being than most people will realize. In addition to this, the older someone is the more prone they are to dehydration with more serious consequences.

The Solution

Of course drinking water is the best solution for hydration, but fruits and vegetables with high water content are a good source too. This could be things like broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, watermelon, and grapes, tea, coffee, and sports drinks can help, but beverages with caffeine will increase the amount you will urinate in those who are not regular drinkers.

If you’re looking for a way to drink pure filtered, alkaline water that naturally hydrates the body then check out the AlkaPitcher or a portable version called the AlkaMate.  Both products are made by Healthier Living 4 You.  A great and very affordable way to start filtering and alkalizing your water.

Next Article: How To Recognize Dehydration In Infants And Toddlers

Read full article: Warning Signs Your Body Drastically Needs Water

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