Top Tips On How To Maintain A Healthy Pregnancy


Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Check out the article we found over at Top 10 Home Remedies.

“Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.”

This meaningful quote by Harriette Hartigan eloquently summarizes the beauty of being pregnant. Pregnancy brings a new meaning to your life and the feeling of carrying a little soul within you is magnificent.

During pregnancy, your every decision will impact your physical and emotional well-being as well as the baby growing inside you.

This is the time when you need to take care of yourself, and you need the support of your partner and other close friends and relatives.

Here are the top tips for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

1. Opt for a Balanced Diet

The foods you eat during pregnancy have a direct influence on the health of the unborn baby. According to experts, a healthy diet is a must during pregnancy.

A healthy diet supports normal birth-weight, improves fetal brain development and lowers the risk of many birth defects.

It also reduces the risk of pregnancy complications like anemia, morning sickness and fatigue.

A 2014 study published in Nature Communications reported that a mother’s diet around the time of conception can permanently influence her baby’s DNA.

You don’t need to eat for two when you are pregnant, but you do need to focus on eating healthy. A pregnant woman’s diet should include plenty of nuts, vegetables, fruits and fresh fish to help your body get protein, vitamin C, calcium, iron and adequate fat.

Try to have five portions of fruits and vegetables daily, plenty of carbohydrates from whole-grain products, one serving of protein and two servings of fish a week.

Along with proper foods, drink lots of water and choose real fruit juices and skim milk instead of sodas to keep your body hydrated. Also, avoid coffee and switch to green tea.

2. Take Necessary Supplements

To fulfill a pregnant body’s need for nutrients, you also need to take some supplements. You can take iron or folic acid supplements separately or opt for prenatal vitamins.

Prenatal vitamins typically contain more folic acid and iron than other multivitamins. Folic acid is necessary to prevent neural tube defects, and iron supports the baby’s overall growth.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that use of prenatal folic acid supplements around the time of conception lowers the risk of autistic disorders in babies.

Another study published in the BMJ in the same year reports that daily prenatal use of iron substantially improved birth weight and reduced the risk of low birth weight.

Some doctors even recommend calcium and vitamin D supplements during the third trimester for proper bone development in babies. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements also can promote a baby’s brain development.

However, remember that while supplements are important for you and the baby growing in your womb, they are not a substitute for a balanced diet.. Also, always consult your doctor before taking supplements.

3. Avoid Certain Foods

To protect yourself and your unborn baby from bacteria or parasitic infections, you need to avoid certain foods. The hormonal changes in the body cause food cravings, but you need to be sure about what you are eating.

Certain foods contain potentially toxic ingredients that can pose a threat to your health and cause birth complications in your baby.

Some of the foods that are best to avoid during pregnancy are unpasteurized milk, undercooked ready-to-eat meals, any kind of soft cheese, undercooked meat, raw eggs, fish high in mercury and raw sprouts. Also avoid refrigerated, smoked seafood.

A 2010 study published in the Canadian Family Physician stresses food safety for the pregnant woman and the fetus, as they might be more susceptible to some food-borne illnesses with serious consequences.

Pregnant women should ensure that their food is obtained from reputable establishments, cooked properly and consumed within a couple of days of purchasing.

Just like foods, you need to be attentive to food hygiene. It is especially important during pregnancy to reduce the risk of getting an infection. Any kind of infectious disease at this crucial stage can harm the health of your baby, too.

To maintain proper food hygiene, thoroughly wash utensils, cutting boards and your hands after handling raw poultry; wash fruits and vegetables well in running water to remove soil or dirt; and always choose organic food products.

4. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise during pregnancy ensures proper health of the mother as well as the newborn. Exercise helps alleviate many common pregnancy problems, such as constipation, leg cramps, swelling of the ankles, back pain and poor sleep.

It also helps keep your energy level high to make it through the pregnancy period.

Plus, physical activity prepares new mothers for childbirth. A fit body can result in a shorter labor, fewer medical interventions and less exhaustion during labor. Another perk is that it makes it easier for you to get back into shape after your baby is born.

Exercise is even good for the unborn baby. A 2013 study by the University of Montreal reports that as little as 20 minutes of moderate exercise just 3 times a week during pregnancy enhances the newborn child’s brain development. This head-start has a positive impact on the child’s entire life.

During pregnancy, walking, jogging, swimming, prenatal exercises, yoga or prenatal dance classes are good options. Avoid sports that have a risk of falls or knocks, or put extra stress on your joints.

Before starting any new exercise, always consult your doctor. You can also join classes for pregnant women.

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Read full article: 10 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy

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